MCs & Performers
熟練したバイリンガルMC、タレント、エアリアル・サーカス・アクロバットパフォーマー、DJ、クラウン、マジシャン、ダンサーなど、多彩なパフォーマーをご提供しております。クリスマスシーズンには、特別なコスチュームを纏った外国人サンタクロースもご用意しています。 私たちは、他にはない特別感と高級感を演出することで、イベントの成功に繋げた実績を積み上げています。クライアントのニーズに応じた最適なパフォーマーをキャスティングし、印象的なエンターテイメント体験を提供します。
We bring an exceptional variety of performers to elevate any event. Our roster includes bilingual MCs, skilled aerialists, circus and acrobatic performers, DJs, clowns, magicians, and dancers—all professionals who create engaging, unforgettable experiences. In the festive season, we also provide a foreign Santa Claus in special attire, adding a unique, cultural touch to holiday events. Our proven success in creating remarkable atmospheres has solidified our reputation with luxury brands and high-profile clients. By carefully selecting performers who align with each client's vision and needs, we deliver an entertainment experience that resonates long after the event ends.
- Jean-Yves
- Circus artist
- Aerialist
- Acrobat
- Adrianna
- Dancer
- Aerialist
- Omid
- Cyr Wheel
- Visual Poi
- Fire Poi
- Breakdancing
- Jhonny & Marcela
- Latin Dancer
- Patrick
- Dancer
- Eva
- Dancer
- Magician
- Mago Martino
- Magician
- Archy
- DJ
- Olga Saint
- DJ
- Tamirina
- DJ
- Randy Brake
- Clown
- Pantomime
- Grego
- Musical
- performance
- Puppetry
- David
- Santa Claus
- Roberto C
- Santa Claus
- Samba Dancers
- Samba
- Alex Oji
- Bilingual MC
- Model
- TV personality
- Narrator
- Lemi Duncan
- Bilingual MC
- Model
- Narrator
- Greg Irwin
- Bilingual MC
- Vocal
- Narrator
- Stuart O
- Bilingual MC
- Vocal
- DJ
- TV personality
- Narrator
- Brain Matt
- Bilingual MC
- Narrator
- Roulette Dealer
- Raja
- Bilingual MC
- TV personality